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Your Welsh Society would like to hear from you. Consider joining our Board of Directors. All ideas and suggestions are welcome and we can use your help. Send memories, photos, and suggestions to:
If you no longer wish to remain on the Welsh Society contact list, let us know. Questions? 941-894-2468 (Amy Ferrell)
Welsh Society Committee:
Diana Jenkins - Founder
Amy Ferrell - Vice-President, Past President, newsletter
Meg Larrabee - Treasurer
Maureen Jones - Corresponding Secretary
David and Sandra Rees - Trustees, Past Presidents and Scholarship
Meryl Fell - Trustee and Past President
Bob Griffiths - Chaplain
Mona Garrison - Webmaster
Jeffrey Jones - Facebook Administrator
Dr John Garrison - Song Leader
Susan Lewis - Accompanist
Dr. Jim and Jackie Fountaine - Past President and Secretary
Volunteers - Bill Fell, Bob Ferrell, Mary Lou Guy, Renny Prhys, Kathryn and Nav Sachdev
Men of Harlech - Rhyfelgyrch Gwyr Harlech
Men of Harlech! In the Hollow,
Do ye hear like rushing billow
Wave on wave that surging follow
Battle's distant sound?
Tis the tramp of Saxon foemen,
Saxon spearmen, Saxon bowmen,
Be they knights or hinds or yeomen,
They shall bite the ground!
Loose the folds asunder,
Flag we conquer under!
The placid sky now bright on high,
Shall launch its bolts in thunder!
Onward! 'tis the country needs us,
He is bravest, he who leads us
Honor's self now proudly heads us,
Freedom, God and Right!
Rocky Steeps and passes narrow,
Flash with spear and flight of arrow
Who would think of death or sorrow?
Death is glory now!
Hurl the reeling horsemen over,
Let the earth dead foemen cover
Fate of friend, of wife, of lover,
Trembles on a blow!
Strands of life are riven!
Blow for blow is given
In deadly lock, or battle shock,
And mercy shrieks to heaven!
Men of Harlech! young or hoary,
Would you win a name in story?
Strike for home, for life, for glory!
Freedom, God and Right!
Wele goelcerth wen yn fflamio
A thafodau tân yn bloeddio
Ar i'r dewrion ddod i daro,
Unwaith eto'n un:
Gan fanllefau'r tywysogion,
Llais gelynion, trwst arfogion,
A charlamiad y marchogion,
Craig ar graig a gryn
Arfon byth ni orfydd,
Cenir yn dragywydd;
Cymru fydd fel Cymru fu,
Yn glodfawr ymysg gwledydd;
'Ngwyn oleuni'r goelcerth acw,
Tros wefusau Cymro'n marw,
Annibyniaeth sydd yn galw,
Am ei dewraf ddyn.
Ni chaiff gelyn ladd ac ymlid
Harlech! Harlech! cwyd i'w herlid
Y mae Rhoddwr mawr ein Rhyddid
Yn rhoi nerth i ni.
Wele Gymru a'i byddinoedd
Yn ymdywallt o'r mynyddoedd!
Rhuthrant fel rhaeadrau dyfroedd,
Llamant fel y lli!
Llwyddiant i'n marchogion
Rwystro gledd yr estron!
Gwybod yn ei galon gaiff,
Fel bratha cleddyf Brython;
Y cledd yn erbyn cledd a chwery,
Dur yn erbyn dur a dery,
Wele faner Gwalia'i fyny,
Rhyddid aiff â hi!